January 9, 2019

Lesbian Advice: What If You Never Find Love

The fear of not finding love is one of the most dangerous fears of them all… In this video Jordana Michelle talks about what we can learn from this common fear and how to turn it around.
January 2, 2019

Overcoming Trauma. An Interview With Kimra Luna

Pansexual online business expert Kimra Luna shares advice for overcoming trauma and thriving in spite of even the most gruesome obstacles.
December 13, 2018

Lesbians In The Workforce: Creating A Safe Space With Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown talks about issues facing lesbians in the workforce, including diversity and inclusion issues that most of us don’t realize exist within the LGBTQ community, the surprising truth about studies done on lesbians in the workforce, and why lesbians in the workforce can have an advantage in achieving leadership positions, more than non-queer females.
December 6, 2018

Lesbian Relationships: Creating Epic Love And Never Settling, With Annie Lalla

How do we make sure we’re never settling for the wrong person? Finding true love means making a commitment to never settling.
September 16, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Advice: 3 Little-Known Reasons Lesbians Struggle With Self-Confidence

Lesbian Advice: 3 Little-Known Reasons Lesbians Struggle With Self-Confidence

Watch now to discover how growing up not knowing we were lesbian or bisexual hurt our self-confidence in ways we don’t realize, and learn how to make sure you never feel as bad about those things ever again.
August 10, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Dating: The Bad Attitude That Turns Women Off

Lesbian Dating: The Bad Attitude That Turns Women Off

Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle shares an important warning for single lesbians and teaches a tip anyone can use to turn around a bad attitude and become more attractive to women. Watch the video.
August 2, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Dating: 3 Rules For Maintaining Your Power So No Woman Can Mess With You When Dating

Lesbian Dating: 3 Rules For Maintaining Your Power So No Woman Can Mess With You When Dating

Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle teaches the best way to maintain your power with the women you date so you are more confident and attractive when dating.
July 22, 2018
Women Wanting Women - Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Dating - Rejection

Lesbian Dating: Overcoming Rejection

Learn the most powerful mindset for overcoming rejection and for using loneliness as a source of confidence and power, instead of frustration and despair.
July 13, 2018

Lesbian Dating: Tips For Staying Happy and Centered (And Avoiding Desperation), Even When Single and Lonely. With Sharon Salzberg

World-renowned teacher, Sharon Salzberg, shares a powerful strategy for feeling more whole, so you don’t cling with neediness to the women you meet. She also teaches an antidote for anger and fear and a trick for overcoming habitual self-criticism so you can project more confidence when dating.
June 26, 2018
Women Wanting Women - Lesbian Dating: The Number One Thing Keeping You Stuck, Single and Lonely

Lesbian Dating: The Number One Thing Keeping You Stuck, Single & Lonely

Watch this video to learn a fun, easy trick for overcoming the biggest obstacle that women face in the lesbian dating scene.
October 17, 2019

Overcoming Self-Doubt With LiYana Silver

LiYana Silver teaches about self-doubt and its antidote, intuition. Listen now to learn LiYana's trick for deciphering the language of our intuition.
October 12, 2019
Photo of Jordana Michelle

Lesbian Advice Q+A

Jordana Michelle gives lesbian advice and answers audience questions about long distance relationships and falling in love with friends when we don't know how they feel about us.
October 4, 2019
Morena Fortino (1983-) - La chatte

Taking Control of Our Own Arousal, With Pamela Samuelson

A sexological bodyworker shares how she helps women learn about their arousal patterns so they can enjoy sexual play, both alone and with partners.
September 19, 2019

O.School: Shame-Free Sex-Ed For Religious Conservatives, With Founder Andrea Barrica

Andrea Barrica, the queer female founder of O.school shares how they are creating a sex-ed brand for people struggling with sexual shame.