May 30, 2019
Grafiti art of little people reaching for hearts

How To Behave Around Your Unrequited Crush

Watch this video to learn the most effective strategy for interacting with your unrequited crush.
May 22, 2019
Image of two fists, fire and ice

Surviving Conflict In Lesbian Relationships With Dr. Julie Helmrich

Dr. Julie Helmrich teaches scientifically proven strategies for dealing with conflict.
May 16, 2019

How Your Energy Makes Women Feel: With Michaela Koelbl

Michaela Koelbl teaches how to align the energy from our core with everything else we say and do.
May 9, 2019
Dr. Valerie Rein

Patriarchy Stress Disorder And The Hidden Traumas Holding Women Back With Dr. Valerie Rein

Dr. Valerie Rein teaches about what Patriarchy Stress Disorder is, how it affects us and what we can do to overcome it.
May 1, 2019

Are You Hurting Women?

Watch this video to learn about a common pattern that is hurting women in lesbian dating, so you can avoid causing it and being harmed by it.
April 25, 2019
Photo of Rachel J. Simmons

Aggression Between Females: An Interview With Rachel Simmons

Rachel J. Simmons discusses the social, relational and indirect ways that females are aggressive and competitive with each other.
April 18, 2019
Kim Iglinsky on the cover of Marie Claire magazine cover

Processing Pain, With Kim Iglinsky: A Former Supermodel Tells Her Story Of Loss And Learning How To Feel

Kim Iglinsky, a former supermodel, shares a deeply personal story packed with wisdom.
April 10, 2019

How To Stop Emotional Suffering. With GiGi Madl

GiGi Madl teaches how anyone, no matter what they've been through, can find a way out of suffering.
April 3, 2019
Jena la Flamme

Pleasure And Sexual Empowerment With Jena La Flamme

Jena la Flamme teaches about pleasure, sexual empowerment and body confidence.
March 28, 2019

Being Needy In Lesbian Relationships

In this video Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle teaches about neediness in lesbian relationships and how to handle it.
December 29, 2020
Photo of Arielle Ford. Photo Credit: Jeremiah Sullivan

Arielle Ford: “The Soulmate Secret”

Arielle Ford shares her tips for online dating and for how anyone can break through limiting mindsets to find love anywhere, at any age.
December 21, 2020
Energetic, Heartfelt Relating With Sabrina Chaw

Energetic, Heartfelt Relating With Sabrina Chaw

Sabrina Chaw teaches techniques for how women can come together and relate to each other in more energetic, heartfelt ways.
December 19, 2019

Sacha Lalla: Tips For Building Epic Friendships With Women

Sacha Lalla teaches tools and mindsets for finding and attracting women as friends and building lasting connections with them.
December 7, 2019

Mary Lofgren: A Former Burlesque Performer Teaches About Sensuality And Authenticity

Former burlesque performer, Mary Lofgren, teaches about seduction, feminine power, connection and authenticity.