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Arielle Ford has a message: You ABSOLUTELY CAN find love.

Arielle Ford is here to tell you that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ALONE FOREVER.

It’s true.

I first discovered Arielle Ford many years ago, in what feels like another lifetime…

I used to listen to her interviews, back when I was trying to find my way around love and dating…

I was so lost back then, and I felt so grateful to have discovered human beings, like Arielle Ford, offering such helpful, heart-centered wisdom.

But as much as I loved listening to Arielle Ford back then, I also remember wishing that there was someone doing for lesbians the kind of thing Arielle Ford was doing for straight people…

I remember wishing that someone would have the kinds of conversations Arielle Ford was having, but for a queer audience, answering the questions queer face, with dating, relationship and love advice specifically addressing the unique issues that LGBT women deal with in dating.

So that’s what I did.

I couldn’t find a “lesbian-version” of what these inspirational people like Arielle Ford (and other dating/relationship/love gurus like her) were doing, so I made one myself.

This podcast exists, partially because of Arielle Ford.

That’s why it was so fun for me to have the chance to sit and talk to her myself.

And in this episode of Women Wanting Women I got to personally thank Arielle Ford for the impact she had on my life, and also get to pick her brain about all the best ways to find love, for anyone who is single and lonely.

During the interview Arielle Ford shares…

  • Tips for online dating…
  • Advice for queer women who live in small town…
  • And how to break through mindsets that are holding you back from love…

Learn more about Arielle Ford and follow her on Social Media…

Arielle Ford is the author of eleven books including the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction (published in 21 languages and 40 countries).

In her prior life Arielle was the publicist for some of the world’s most beloved personal development gurus, including selling authors such as Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Gary Zukav, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko,  and Jorge Cruise. And she is credited for having been instrumental in launching the careers of stars Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, Debbie Ford and don Miguel Ruiz.

A personal development guru in her own right, Arielle is the author of eleven books and leads workshops all around the world.

You can learn more and find all of Arielle Ford’s books and resources on