June 2, 2018

Lesbian Chat: A Popular Fashion Blogger and Personal Stylist Shares Her Coming Out Story

Watch as the authentic, passionate and empowered NYC-based personal stylist, style coach, and founder of Your Soul Style tells her personal history of discovering she was a lesbian and coming out. Plus tips on how to dress as a lesbian. Discover why Jenny Greenstein is truly a “stylemaker from the inside out.”
May 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Women Wanting Women - Dr. Jeanelle - Coming Out While Married Background

Coming Out While Married: A Big Change Of Heart With Dr. Jennelle

Could there be anything more confusing than being a mother married to a man and suddenly and unexpectedly falling head over heels for your best friend, having never been in a same-sex relationship before?
May 29, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Love - Soulmate

Lesbian Love: What I Know For Sure About Your Soulmate…

Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle shares a powerful technique for avoiding desperation while dating (so you don’t waste time and cling with neediness to the wrong women) and for connecting with your soulmate so you keep yourself from settling before you meet her.
April 17, 2018
Jordana Michelle. Lesbian Scene: Whitney Day, Lesbian DJ

Lesbian Scene: The Most Globally Connected Lesbian In Nightlife

The most globally connected lesbian in nightlife shares her inside view of the best places around the world to meet lesbians, plus how to build a creative career filled with travel and adventure.
March 29, 2018
Lesbian Dating: End Loneliness

Lesbian Dating: The Number One Thing You Can Do To End Your Loneliness

Single lesbians: in this video you will discover 9 hidden habits that block us from love, including one crucial way you might be scaring women away without realizing, plus a powerful exercise to turn it all around for more success in lesbian dating.
January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Kelly Madrone

Lesbian Chat: What Happens When You Marry A Sex Educator? With Kelly Madrone

Kelly Madrone and Jordana Michelle have a lesbian chat where Kelly shares strategies and practices that she and her wife use to keep bringing them closer to each other and more deeply in love.
January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Frans De Waal - Great Apes

Same-Sex Female Relationships (Between Great Apes) With Dr. Frans De Waal

What if I told you that our closest relative in the animal kingdom (with whom we share, literally 99% of our DNA) is a great ape that lives in a female-dominated society where the females band together against the males and have sex with each other all the time?
January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Verdolin

The Truth About Female Desire With Dr. Jennifer Verdolin

What’s the number one thing females in nature are attracted to? Find out what the answer to this question can teach lesbian, bisexual and queer women about female desire and being more attractive to the women you want.
January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Katherine Woodward

How To “Call In” Your Soulmate with Katherine Woodward Thomas

Why do you think you’re still single? Why do you think you and your soulmate haven’t found each other yet? What if I told you there was a beautiful, streamlined 7-week process for turning this around?
January 24, 2018

Dating Mean Girls with Rosalind Wiseman

Mean girls make adolescence a hard time for most females, and it's normal for women to fear female relationships later in life. But fear makes us less attractive to the women we lesbian, bisexual and queer women want to date. Can learning more about girl cliques, girl aggression and girl competition heal those fears?
December 6, 2018

Lesbian Relationships: Creating Epic Love And Never Settling, With Annie Lalla

How do we make sure we’re never settling for the wrong person? Finding true love means making a commitment to never settling.
September 16, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Advice: 3 Little-Known Reasons Lesbians Struggle With Self-Confidence

Lesbian Advice: 3 Little-Known Reasons Lesbians Struggle With Self-Confidence

Watch now to discover how growing up not knowing we were lesbian or bisexual hurt our self-confidence in ways we don’t realize, and learn how to make sure you never feel as bad about those things ever again.
August 10, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Dating: The Bad Attitude That Turns Women Off

Lesbian Dating: The Bad Attitude That Turns Women Off

Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle shares an important warning for single lesbians and teaches a tip anyone can use to turn around a bad attitude and become more attractive to women. Watch the video.
August 2, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Lesbian Dating: 3 Rules For Maintaining Your Power So No Woman Can Mess With You When Dating

Lesbian Dating: 3 Rules For Maintaining Your Power So No Woman Can Mess With You When Dating

Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle teaches the best way to maintain your power with the women you date so you are more confident and attractive when dating.