Mindy Raf, a queer female Brooklyn-based actress, writer, and comedian teaches us all about polyamorous relationships and the various ways they can work
In this video Jordana Michelle talks about the disappointment we face when a woman isn't as interested in us as we thought she would be after our date (and what to do about it!)
In this video Jordana Michelle talks about the disappointment we face when a woman isn't as interested in us as we thought she would be after our date (and what to do about it!)
The fear of not finding love is one of the most dangerous fears of them all… In this video Jordana Michelle talks about what we can learn from this common fear and how to turn it around.
Watch now to discover how growing up not knowing we were lesbian or bisexual hurt our self-confidence in ways we don’t realize, and learn how to make sure you never feel as bad about those things ever again.