February 14, 2019

Learning About Queer Female Polyamorous Relationships with Comedian Mindy Raf

Mindy Raf, a queer female Brooklyn-based actress, writer, and comedian teaches us all about polyamorous relationships and the various ways they can work
December 6, 2018

Lesbian Relationships: Creating Epic Love And Never Settling, With Annie Lalla

How do we make sure we’re never settling for the wrong person? Finding true love means making a commitment to never settling.
July 13, 2018

Lesbian Dating: Tips For Staying Happy and Centered (And Avoiding Desperation), Even When Single and Lonely. With Sharon Salzberg

World-renowned teacher, Sharon Salzberg, shares a powerful strategy for feeling more whole, so you don’t cling with neediness to the women you meet. She also teaches an antidote for anger and fear and a trick for overcoming habitual self-criticism so you can project more confidence when dating.
January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Kelly Madrone

Lesbian Chat: What Happens When You Marry A Sex Educator? With Kelly Madrone

Kelly Madrone and Jordana Michelle have a lesbian chat where Kelly shares strategies and practices that she and her wife use to keep bringing them closer to each other and more deeply in love.