October 24, 2019

Jealousy In Lesbian Relationships

How do we know the difference between when our jealousy is a warning that our partner is doing wrong by us, compared to when our jealousy is simply driving us crazy from a place of insecurity?
October 17, 2019

Overcoming Self-Doubt With LiYana Silver

LiYana Silver teaches about self-doubt and its antidote, intuition. Listen now to learn LiYana's trick for deciphering the language of our intuition.
October 12, 2019
Photo of Jordana Michelle

Lesbian Advice Q+A

Jordana Michelle gives lesbian advice and answers audience questions about long distance relationships and falling in love with friends when we don't know how they feel about us.
October 4, 2019
Morena Fortino (1983-) - La chatte

Taking Control of Our Own Arousal, With Pamela Samuelson

A sexological bodyworker shares how she helps women learn about their arousal patterns so they can enjoy sexual play, both alone and with partners.