February 7, 2019

Why Can Lesbians Be So Cliquey?

Jordana Michelle explains why groups of queer females can sometimes act even more cliquey than heterosexual women.
January 31, 2019

Lesbian Love: Important Message From Your Soulmate

Jordana Michelle has an important message from your soulmate that you need to hear. Watch the video now to get the message.
January 24, 2019
two women kissing @lesenlove on Instagram

Lesbian Advice: Should Lesbians Date Bisexual Women

Find out how Lesbian Love Coach Jordana Michelle answers this commonly asked question.
January 16, 2019

Lesbian Dating: What To Do If A Woman Isn’t Responding The Way You Expected After Your Hot Date

In this video Jordana Michelle talks about the disappointment we face when a woman isn't as interested in us as we thought she would be after our date (and what to do about it!)