January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Verdolin

The Truth About Female Desire With Dr. Jennifer Verdolin

What’s the number one thing females in nature are attracted to? Find out what the answer to this question can teach lesbian, bisexual and queer women about female desire and being more attractive to the women you want.
January 31, 2018
Jordana Michelle - Katherine Woodward

How To “Call In” Your Soulmate with Katherine Woodward Thomas

Why do you think you’re still single? Why do you think you and your soulmate haven’t found each other yet? What if I told you there was a beautiful, streamlined 7-week process for turning this around?
January 24, 2018

Dating Mean Girls with Rosalind Wiseman

Mean girls make adolescence a hard time for most females, and it's normal for women to fear female relationships later in life. But fear makes us less attractive to the women we lesbian, bisexual and queer women want to date. Can learning more about girl cliques, girl aggression and girl competition heal those fears?