Hi, my name is Jordana Michelle…
And I’m going to teach you to alchemize the experience of coming out into the greatest opportunity you’ve ever had to exponentially increase your confidence and personal power.
I know this sounds like a big promise
Especially since admitting we’re different from most of society can often be a source of deep discomfort and shame…
But I promise, woman to woman, as an experienced lesbian love coach who has been through this myself in my own life…
Even if you come from a place where same-sex-relationships are considered "wrong" or "disgusting"…
You’re about to discover a simple formula for turning the uncomfortable experiences we go through when coming out into a source of massive evolution and transformation.
And as you evolve and transform in this way you will start to love yourself more and get more respect from others than ever before.
Who am I to make such an outrageous promise and why should you even listen to me?
While I may be a lesbian love coach now, I wasn’t always out or comfortable with my sexuality.…
In fact, I was closeted and insecure for years before I finally came out at age 23.
But I went from being an awkward, closeted, people-pleasing follower to being a confident openly-gay leader who attracts new friends and lovers everywhere I go.