Still single and searching for love?

Find out why you still haven't met your lesbian soulmate yet!

This FREE quiz can help you:

  • Understand what is blocking you from love

  • Create a framework from removing the obstacles that have prevented you from finding a partner

  • Make the changes that can finally bring love into your life

Still single and searching for love?

Find out why you still haven't met your lesbian soulmate yet!

This FREE quiz can help you:

  • Understand what is blocking you from love

  • Create a framework from removing the obstacles that have prevented you from finding a partner

  • Make the changes that can finally bring love into your life

We all know how it is being single and lonely...

It’s normal, while we’re single and searching for love to feel that:

  • It’s nearly impossible to meet the kind of women we want to date

  • The good ones are all taken

  • The ones we’re attracted to don’t want us back

  • Maybe the woman of our dreams doesn’t even exist

  • Maybe we’ll never find anyone better than our ex

  • We have no control over this area of our lives

  • Maybe “it’s just my destiny to end up alone”

Hi, I'm Jordana Michelle.

I’m a NYU certified coach specializing in lesbian dating, love and relationships.

I help women like us attract the women we’re most excited about.

I have experienced first-hand the loneliness and longing of trying to find lasting love with the right woman.

But being a single queer woman doesn’t have to be painful or difficult. I don’t want you to struggle the way that so many single queer women needlessly do (and the way I also struggled before I learned the secrets that I now teach to my clients.)

My work is all about teaching women to enhance their confidence, sexiness and positive energy so they are more attractive to the women they want to date so that they find and keep lasting love that excites and inspires them.

My mission is to help you feel sexy in your sexuality, attract the woman of your dreams, and build strong, lasting love together.

Jordana Michelle

Find out what has been blocking you from lesbian love!