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Meet Jenny Plasencia: Healing bodies and hearts…

Jenny Plasencia is a New York City based healer of both body and spirit.

We met this past summer, and I could tell right away, based on her energy and wisdom, that I wanted to have her as a guest on the podcast.

“Healing is always possible and there are many, multiple ways” Jenny Plasencia…

Jenny Plasencia has seen first hand that optimism takes practice and even a simple shift, such as faking a smile, can go a long way for ourselves and the people around us.

Jenny Plasencia’s wish: that we all practice generating positive energy within ourselves as much as we can… and that we make our positivity contagious to others.

During this interview Jenny shares how all of us can:

  • start to tap into our own healing energies…
  • generate more positivity and optimism within ourselves…
  • spread healing “contagiously” to the people around us…

In Jenny Plasencia’s experience… healing is always possible, but it takes practice and intentionality.

This is an episode you don’t want to miss.

Learn more about Jenny Plasencia and reach out if you want to connect...

Raised by two hard working first generation latinos and educated in Bronx public schools, Jenny Plasencia got her Bachelors Degree in Physical Education with a concentration in Athletic Training at SUNY Brockport, worked as a graduate assistant at Georgia Institute of Technology in Football and Women’s Tennis, and earned a Masters Degree in Sports Medicine at Georgia State University.

For her first seven years after graduation, Jenny worked rehabilitating various injuries and built her own practice, helping seniors return back to normal activities by focusing on functional movements and assisting them with their nutrition.

And now, in addition to running her own practice, Jenny Plasencia works as a Certified Athletic Trainer and Physical Education Teacher at Dalton School in Manhattan.