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Tinia Pina: Sustainability and Entrepreneurship

I want to tell you about my friend Tinia…

Tinia Pina is a New York-based “green” entrepreneur.

After 6 years working in finance, Tinia heard a whisper of intuition that told her to pursue “sustainability.”

Following her curiosity Tinia educated herself and then set out to create a system for turning food waste into fertilizer for the booming hydroponics market.

Tinia isn’t a chemist or an engineer or a botanist… but she didn’t let that stop her.


Because they refused to give up, Tinia and her team have now developed the only cost-competitive organic plant-food for growing crops in hydroponic systems.

And the product Tinia’s team sells is derived entirely from food waste.

This is so important because food waste is a rampant problem that is only getting worse…

Because of Tinia’s hard work all humans are that much closer to living sustainably on this planet.

Hot lesbians are everywhere.

Did I mention that Tinia is a lesbian?

Probably before reading this blog you had no clue that Tinia even existed.

That’s the thing…

There are hot, queer badasses everywhere. We just don’t know about them.

Hot lesbians are everywhere, and it’s important for us to know that this is true, instead of psyching ourselves out in dating and settling and selling ourselves short.

For everyone who has a dream...

In the meantime, let Tinia’s story be an inspiration for everyone who has a dream.

Anything is possible, if we are resourceful and tenacious. Because even if we ourselves don’t have the technical skills to solve the problems that need solving, we can find and partner with other people who do. The important thing is that we continue to learn and grow and follow our curiosity and ask good questions and pursue meaningful goals.

Don’t miss this episode of Women Wanting Women, where Tinia Pina tells her story and shows us what it means to never give up and to approach life like a true “power lesbian.”

Learn more about Tinia Pina and follow her on social media.

Tinia Pina accepted her Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2006.

She began her career in sustainability as a former student pursuing a Masters of Science degree at Columbia University prior to becoming the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Re-Nuble, Inc., an agricultural technology company headquartered in New York City.

A strong advocate for sustainable waste management, regenerative agriculture, and urban resilience, she has been involved in management and business development roles within the sustainability industry for ten years. Her professional interests focus on using unique and distributed technologies to extract the optimal value from organic waste streams for upcycling into value-added products.


