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What makes Jenn T. Grace a “professional lesbian”?

Cool story about my friend Jenn…

15+ years ago Jenn’s friend (who was working in a hospital) started asking her for advice about how best to communicate with various LGBTQ+ patients.

The more Jenn answered her friend’s questions the more she realized that her answers were really important for organizations and individuals to understand…

So Jenn started publishing her answers openly on her blog. Eventually Jenn became known for being the “go-to” for anyone needing to understand the lesbian perspective on various issues.

Because of this work, one of Jenn’s friends nicknamed her “the professional lesbian” and the title stuck.

Touchy subjects…

The thing is that our community hasn’t always been treated ideally throughout history.

And a lot of queer people are easily triggered by being called the wrong label or pronoun or gender, or simply by being misunderstood.

That’s why Jenn’s work is so important. The more companies understand how to be sensitive to our community the better everyone will feel.

Be the change…

Jenn sets a great example of how we can create so much value in the world, just by paying attention to the questions being asked and the requests being made around us.

Opportunities truly are everywhere, if we are open enough to notice and satisfy unmet needs.

Notice and satisfy unmet needs…

Today Jenn runs a publishing company.

Because after writing 4 of her own books, her friends and colleagues started approaching her, asking for advice on how they too could get their books published.

Once again, noticing that there was an unmet need, Jenn started first by teaching people how to publish their own books, and then later taking the opportunity further by starting her own publishing company.

Don’t miss the interview.

In this episode of Women Wanting Women Jenn T. Grace shares her insights from over a decade of educating the biggest companies in the country on how to better serve LGBTQ customers, strategies for how (and why) to organize your ideas into book format, and perspectives on her gay marriage, gay divorce and new life as a single mom…

Learn more about Jenn T. Grace and follow her online…

Jenn T. Grace is a nationally recognized business strategist, speaker and author specializing in the LGBTQ market.

Guided by the mantra, “change happens in business,” Jenn believes social change happens first in the workplace before spilling over into mainstream society.

She is an Amazon Best Selling author and has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Hartford Courant and on CNBC. Passionate about helping people share their stories of adversity, Jenn is the Founder of Publish Your Purpose Press and the Author’s Academy. She holds a M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications from Golden Gate University and a B.S. in Communications from Salem State University. A marathon runner, animal lover and novice birder, she lives in Hartford, Connecticut with her family.

You can follow Jenn on Twitter or connect with her on Linkedin.